Friday 16 September 2016

5 potential songs Rob

5 Potential Songs by Rob on Scribd

Hyperlinks to the songs-

Kasabian - Club Foot

Earl Sweatshirt - Faucet

Razorlight- Wire to wire

The Killers- When you were young

The Streets- Everything is Borrowed

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Photos of our artist

First Shots of Our Artist by Rob on Scribd

Music video pitch (25 words)

Dystopia twitter feed

We have chosen to make a Twitter page as social media appears to be the way to promote the band and to make it a success. Social media is used by millions everyday and this is why we chose to use it to promote our band. We will post updates on our Twitter page so that we can keep in touch with our audience and ensure that they are getting all of the relevant information.